Treatment philosophy
​Our goal is to determine the needs and wishes of our patients in order to achieve an optimal orthodontic solution with their active cooperation. It is our goal to treat and care for our patients in the best possible way.
Our philosophy is to always treat at the highest level and to avoid tooth extraction, among other things by using self-closing brackets and super-elastic high-tech archwires. Sophisticated quality management and high data protection standards are a matter of course for us.
As a rule, removable functional orthodontic braces (e.g. Bionator according to Balters) are used in children and adolescents before the start of fixed braces (if these are necessary at all).
Close intercollegial cooperation with dentists, oral surgeons, ear, nose and throat specialists, paediatricians, physiotherapists and speech therapists ensure that our treatment methods are in align with your whole body.
We would like to accompany you and your children on the way to your individual, friendly and, above all, healthy smile.