Tooth shape correction
The natural shape of your teeth does not correspond to your personal ideas and wishes? Then we can help you with contouring or shaping. These even newer dental aesthetic procedures can correct blemishes in your natural teeth. Even the smallest changes to the teeth can have a significant, positive effect on you.
With contouring, only the natural contour of the tooth is adapted and with shaping the tooth is reshaped. Splintered enamel areas or large spaces between the teeth in the anterior region can be treated with the help of a plastic-ceramic mixture during contouring and shaping. The aim is to give your teeth an overall aesthetic and coherent appearance as well as to correct irregularities or a non-optimal clenching of the teeth.

Contouring - aesthetic contouring of the teeth
Contouring or cosmetic contouring is an aesthetic dental treatment in which the visible area of the teeth is cosmetically optimized. During this treatment, the tooth substance is artificially built up. In this way we can correct and fill in chipped enamel areas, unsightly edges or large interdental spaces, especially in the anterior region. In addition, the contouring protects the defective tooth from further loss of tooth substance. That used Plastic composite enables an ideal adaptation to the tooth structure as well as the tooth color. For modeling, the plastic composite is applied directly to the natural, damaged tooth. After Cosmetic Contouring, you will not notice any difference between the surface structure and color of the artificially created tooth parts and the natural tooth substance.

Shaping - the shaping of the teeth
Shaping can also be understood as a counterpart to contouring. During shaping, the natural tooth substance is reshaped. Small tooth reductions can also be made, for example to make spaces between the teeth more accessible. Your own teeth are ground down during shaping in order to change and improve the appearance of the teeth. In the case of teeth of different lengths or angular, we remove the tooth substance in order to adapt the shape of the teeth. If your teeth have sharp corners, we will smooth them to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes and further loss of tooth substance. We can also use shaping to improve the shape of pointed canines using special grinding techniques. We can also remove unaesthetic and unwanted plaque.
It is essential for the reshaping of the teeth that the function of the teeth is not impaired in any way. The shaping of your teeth will of course only take place within the framework that is also justifiable for us in terms of dentistry. Shaping ensures that your teeth look better overall and are ideally matched to one another in terms of their shape. The result is a visually aesthetic overall picture of your rows of teeth, which gives you a new quality of life and a radiant smile.